No I am not dying, at least that I know of. I am considering a new guitar and am concerned that if something were to happen to me my wife is left with a pretty extensive collection of Gypsy Jazz guitars (I suggest Michael for these) and a bunch of other kind of guitars. I really wouldn't want to saddle her or any of my family who are non players with them. Thinking of leaving instructions. I think Reverb might be the best option. Anything else?
I have a small collection, but I have thought about this. I would either arrange with a musician friend to take care of the selling and give my family the proceeds (with a fee for the trouble), or use a single dealer for the entire collection.
use a single dealer for the entire collection.
This is probably what I would do, fully accredited and preferably local
I hear you on this one. I have an extensive collection of guitars (gypsy [Selmer #561 among others], electric, archtop, classical, flamenco), and amps (vintage Mesa Boogie, Hughes & Kettner, even a Dumble ODS), and like you, I thought about what my wife would have to deal with should I shuffle off the mortal coil. As such, I included a sub-section in my will about who would get what, and what could be sold, and for what amount (most likely on my Reverb store).
I work as an emergency medicine physician, and see people without end-of-life instructions on a daily basis, so this was a highly motivating factor to "get my affairs in order", should anything happen. Additionally, to know that my wife will have a large chunk of change after selling off the gear that I am not willing to anyone is comforting as well.
Just my 2 cents.
"Shuffle the coil", the latest dance craze.
I think in any scenario a single point of contact should be taking care of it all.
Leaving a list of what things are worth might be confusing/frustrating if the market drops. But you could write descriptions of what everything is. You write the listings now.
No one has suggested getting down to 1-2 guitars - how simple and lovely that would be . . . if only
My wife suggested getting down to none….:-L
well she didn’t but I think she would be ok with it.
My wife and I completed our wills this year (finally!), and I thought about this topic myself. I don’t have an extensive or rare collection, but I do have a number of quality instruments and equipment that I think would be more trouble than it would be worth to impose upon somebody with the necessary knowledge to spend time dealing with Reverb or even local sales.
If I can’t specify what instrument goes to what person before I pass on, I have a provision in the will to leave all the equipment to one person in my current band with instructions to share with the band or other local musicians who may need help and benefit from a good instrument. I trust his judgment to make good decisions dispersing the goods. I can always amend the will later to give the items to someone else if and when things change.
I like your style! I'm sure your bandmates are well suited to look after your interests but also see that the gear gets used to make music! Great idea.