String heigth and bridge in Gitane DG 300 vs. Cigano Gj10

I've just got hold of a second hand Gitane DG300 at a very ggood price to make a small upgrade from my Cigano Cg10. The guy who sold the guitar told me that he touched up the truss rod a little because he likes his guitars with high action. The thing is the bridge on the DG300 seems to have a lower height that the one on the Cigano, but the strings on my Cigano are lower that those on the DG.

Even if by historical standards (as we all have read) the strings on the Dg300 are not really high up and I could eventually get used to it, it bothers me a little to give up the extra confort of lower strings.

The question is: do I have to interchange bridges? touch the truss road again? Any other suggestions? (I would not do any of this myself, but before going to a luthier I want to know what to ask for). Maybe even a word from the almighty @MichaelHorowitz ?

Thanks to all.


  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,193

    @criminel Likely the Cigano has less neck angle and/or less top arch (maybe even a sunken top?) so it requires a taller bridge than the DG-300 for lower action.

    A good tech will be able to adjust the bridge on your DG-300 so that you can get similar action to that of the Cigano. You probably just need to shave it down a bit. The truss is rod is not designed to adjust the action, that should only be used for adjusting neck relief.

    Good luck!


  • criminelcriminel buenos aires✭✭✭
    Posts: 73

    Thanks @MichaelHorowitz i'll check on the bridge height then. I've never heard of a "sunken top" on a stock Gypsy guitar, but I'll take your word for it. You've been selling these for long enough :-)

    Being that the bridge on the Gitane is shorter and the one on the CIgano is taller, does any one knows (or can point me to) what the standard measures of a gypsy guitar bridge should be in case I have a new one made?

  • Posts: 5,172

    There really is no standard height. It varies. Even Dupont offers three different heights for their own replacement bridges. And they specify that their bridges are only meant for Duponts. Even though you can use them on any GJ guitar.

    Just deepen the notches on your current bridge to lower the action. But trying different bridges is a lot of fun. It can make a guitar sound very different, kinda like an EQ on the stereo, so if you have a chance try it.

    Every note wants to go somewhere-Kurt Rosenwinkel
  • BonesBones Moderator
    Posts: 3,324

    Yeah neck angle/top arch. Have a good tech look at it. Be sure the guitars are not drying out too. Use a case humidifier to get 50% RH or there about. Don't over do it. Get the humidity right before you try to adjust things.

  • criminelcriminel buenos aires✭✭✭
    Posts: 73

    I know nothing about humidifiers but Buenos Aires is a very damp city. I dont think I need one.

  • criminelcriminel buenos aires✭✭✭
    Posts: 73

    Just to be clear what's the recommended height of the strings at the twelfth fret for both high and low e?

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,193

    We usually set most guitars up at around 3mm at the 12th fret for the low E. Most luthiers do this as well and it's about right for most people. Aggressive players with stronger hands and/or people who like a purer, buzz free tone will play with higher action, sometime up to 4mm. Conversely, people who are willing to sacrifice some volume/tone for a slinky feel will go with lower action down in the 2.6mm or below range.

  • criminelcriminel buenos aires✭✭✭
    Posts: 73

    Thanks (Michael and all) Now I know what to ask for to my luthier.

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