I know a lot of GJ players use volume adjusting pedals for gigs.
I'm looking for one, to quiet things a bit while playing rhythm ( I know a lot use one for boosting, but I want the opposite)
Any recommendations? I tried the one below, but it sucked, as it diminishes the sound quality in either on or off position when playing through it.
I suppose I could use one of those 'booster' ones, and used it oppositely, but are there any other volume attenuators recommendations out there?
They all do pretty much the same thing. I would just use a boost set up with a volume cut but you can use any pedal w/ a volume control.
Simple solution. Cable with integrated volume.
That would do it, but where do you find one?
Found one on Ebay but it was just made by the seller.
BBE Boosta Grande. Used on Reverb.com for cheap.
why not boost for when you want it louder vs cut when you want it softer?
What are people's thoughts on just playing lighter, when playing rhythm?
My Schertler David has a volume pedal option which I used to use to great effect. It worked great with the guitar in channel, and when I did a guitar mic and went in the clean mic channel, it worked great there too.
Lately, I control and shape the sound of my Carlos Sensor with an L.R.Baggs Venue pedal. I set the volume I want to play rhythm, and I use the adjustable boost option for a slight bump for soloing, Works great.
That's been my approach. You have to consider how minimalist approach you want. I'm trying to rely on the guitar doing its job. I'm pretty sure we're all louder than we think, when we think our solo playing is too quiet.
Anything added in the chain of signal is some sort of compromise when it comes to tone. But there are pedals out there that are well built and will keep the tone. Volume pedal is tricky for me since when you want to roll it back for rhythm playing you don't know where exactly were you originally, can be either too quiet or too loud. I used to use it during my rock years and gave up on it for that reason. I used one of the Earnie Ball pedals, great pedals.
Most boost pedals are volume pedals in reverse, I believe. They attenuate rather than really boost. For the true boost function there has to be a preamp circuit. Attenuator is much simpler and cheaper circuit. So when you hit boost, that's when the signal has a free path. Other times it's simply attenuated.
It would be great if you could set a preset on the volume pedal, like be able to push it down for 100 % open and then roll it down to the preset. Which could be some sort of physical stopper preventing from pushing the pedal all the way the other way.
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback. I know Stephane Wrembel was using an Ibanez tube screamer for a while to switch between rhythm and lead. I personally like the idea of being able to self mix, both individually and as a band. Forces you to listen to each other more.✌️
@Buco those volume pedals with a minimum volume control exist! See this for example: https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/volume-pedals-with-minimum-volume-control.2417129/