Request for transcriptions of any of these Manouche style comps to this forum; hope its ok to post a wants list like this, Looking to find transcriptions (or just chords/grilles) for these Manunche style comps. They're more progressive than the standard Manouche things, but they're all excellent comps, no sheets/grilles exist of them (that I can find) and they'd be great to play....may thanks JP:

Angelo Debarre & Florin Niculescu - Paris Bossa Nova ( Accordion - Gabriel Androne) 01

Angelo Debarre & Florin Niculescu - Zarifa 01

Alyona & Viktor Buzylev - Kaj Tu Sanas (Lets Remember Our Love) 96 Russian Gypsy- not a manouche guitar comp, just an excellent comp

Babik Reinhardt - Un Jour David (ballad) 89

Babik Reinhardt - Evasion Pour Guitare (Faurte) 73

Babik Reinhardt - Modo l'Art 73

Babik Reinhardt - 'Tit Nêgo 73

can be found on ss

Babik Reinhardt - Miroir (ballad)  (live video) (studio rec)

Ludovic Beier (ac) & Kruno Spisic (gtr) Qt - Philadelphie Sur Seine 10 France

Marcel Loeffler (ac) - Promenade (ballad) 2010 Alsace

Marcel Loeffler (ac) - Spring (ballad) 2011 Alsace

Marcel Loeffler - Gina (ballad) 10 Alsace

Marcel Loeffler (ac) - Dina 2010 Alsace

Marcel Loeffler (ac) - Laurore 2011, Alsace

Rocky Gresset - Ballade pour Rose 09

David Reinhardt - Nina (Babik Reinhardt) 04

David Reinhardt Trio - Casting (Noe Reinhardt) 04

David Reinhardt Trio - Chaumont (David Reinardt) 04

David Reinhardt Trio - Berga (Birelli Lagrene) 04

Dotschy Reinhardt (vocal) - Sprinkled Eyes 06 German Sinti

Florin Niculescu - Gipsy Ballad 16

Jacques Vidal et Frederic Sylvestre - Souvenir De Babik (Frederic Sylvestre) 02

from Jacques Vidal & Frederic Sylvestre - Saga (2002)

Dany Bittel Qt - For Kosta (Denis Maffli, violin) 04 France

Jacopo Martini - Un Giovedi Di Pioggia (Bossa) 05 Italy

Les Pommes De Ma Douche - Bossapin 06 France (similar to Bossa Dorado)



  • billyshakesbillyshakes NoVA✭✭✭ Park Avance - Dupont Nomade - Dupont DM-50E
    Posts: 1,491

    Welcome to the forum.

  • djangologydjangology Portland, OregonModerator
    Posts: 1,024

    Those are some obscure tunes in this genre. I haven't seen any grilles or transcriptions to any of those.

  • Carlo GentenaarCarlo Gentenaar The Netherlands✭✭ John Le Voi
    Posts: 77

    So you're new to the forum, are you new to gypsy jazz as well? If that's a yes, are you sure you are interested in this genre at all? Because the first songs in your list I checked out have nothing to do with gypsy jazz. Sure they can be re-arranged but why start there? Are you done learning all of Django's compositions and are you done reading the real book? :-)

  • JeanPaul2JeanPaul2 New
    Posts: 4

    Bit of an unnecessarily hostile comment there Carlo! I've been listening to Gypsy Jazz for over 10 years or so. I'm no big expert though. I just know what I like. Yes, the comps on my list aren't traditional Django-style things, they're just comps I like by musicians who play gypsy type-stuff (ie the Buzylev one). The vast majority of the comps I listed though are within the gypsy-jazz genre. Best listen to them all first before jumping to conclusions. I was hoping other musicians might like them as well and help with the chords. I figured doesn't hurt to ask. I appreciate Django's comps/repertoire are the "gold-standard" for Gypsy-Jazz but that doesn't mean there's not other great newer comps out there as well. You seem to be saying that no-one interested in Gypsy Jazz has any business wanting to play any other comps but Django's until he's mastered all of Django's repertoire. Thats too "hard-line" a position to take, imo.

  • Carlo GentenaarCarlo Gentenaar The Netherlands✭✭ John Le Voi
    Posts: 77

    Not meant to be hostile at all, you just can't expect everybody to agree with you all time on a forum like this ok? I'm not saying you can't play any obscure compositions but your list of odd-ball tunes is enough for a 3 x 45 minutes gig so that made me wonder... But I'll admit I'm a sucker for the old and not very openminded towards the new, that's a fact. I guess I've seen too many albums with meaningless gypsyfied pop songs that make me wonder why they would put 'La isla bonita' (not saying your list has anything to do with Madonna!) on an album when they could have done A Night In Tunesia or Nica's Dream?! But then again there's probably lots of people out there who would say 'who needs another version of A Night In Tunesia'. :-)

  • billyshakesbillyshakes NoVA✭✭✭ Park Avance - Dupont Nomade - Dupont DM-50E
    Posts: 1,491

    This exchange raises the old question of "what is" vs. "what isn't." My personal thoughts are that Django was playing Honeysuckle Rose or Lady Be Good because they were popular songs of the time. People would hear them and recognize them. They would be moved perhaps to dance to them or sing along. Some people today might not care as much for Django's 50s output as it might have more bop influence. Babik played more in this "straight jazz" style, but he still has gypsy roots of course. I like these tunes too, but I recognized their different moods from the early to late style. The tunes I listened to in JP's list seem more inspired from this period.

    Carlo, count me as one who wouldn't mind hearing "La Isla Bonita." If I'm playing to an audience of 40-somethings, they'd probably dance and sing along because it was a popular song just as Django's listeners did to the the popular songs he played in his day. I loved those 70s/80s/90s covers that the Lost Fingers did a few years back. Truly fun music taking popular music and infusing it with the style elements of GJ. Unfortunately, it is usually only at the nursing homes or pure jazz club gigs where people recognize a tune like Honeysuckle Rose these days when we play it. That said, the musician in me would appreciate hearing "A Night in Tunisia" too. It is a great song with a melody that gets non-jazz folks to say "what was the name of that tune?...I recognize the melody but can't place it." (They probably played it in high school band class! ha ha)

    My point in this post isn't trying to pick a fight or pick a side. I don't think either of you are wrong. Music is a big tent! There is room for it all.

  • richter4208richter4208 ✭✭✭
    Posts: 538

    No hostility meant here but I think there is a bigger point to be made. If you've learned the classic compositions in this style to the point you are fairly good than most of these "off the beaten path" tunes are based on familiar chord progressions in the style. If you've done your homework.

    Carlo Gentenaarwimrudolfochrist
  • Carlo GentenaarCarlo Gentenaar The Netherlands✭✭ John Le Voi
    Posts: 77

    I agree @billyshakes although I have to say that the tunes that have become popular in the last few decades are nothing compared to the songs that were popular in Django's days if you ask me! Anyway, I was only explaining my point of view not picking a fight and certainly not telling people what to like or what to play. I get what you're saying about the audience asking for popular tunes but to me it sometimes actually physically hurts when I've played a set of killer jazz melodies and someone asks me 'say do you guys know any Ed Sheeran?'. :-)

  • billyshakesbillyshakes NoVA✭✭✭ Park Avance - Dupont Nomade - Dupont DM-50E
    Posts: 1,491

    'say do you guys know any Ed Sheeran?'. :-)

    Some bridges are just too far even for me! 😂

    Carlo Gentenaar
  • juandererjuanderer New ALD Original, Manouche Latcho Drom Djangology Koa, Caro y Topete AR 740 O
    Posts: 205

    About a month ago I was doing a duo gig and was asked "do you guys know this tune" the young lady asking showed me her phone to Weezer's 'Island in the Sun' on her Spotify. 👽️

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