basic equipment for gigs for a gypsy guitarist

hi guys

I would like to know if budget of 2000 dollars is enough for creating setup for gigs. I mean, you have to have a guitar, pickup , amp etc. Can you come up with any suggestions? Are there any pedals that gypsy players use that you can connect to AER for instance that is german amp for acoustic instruments? I think that Stochelo Rosenberg's sound that can be heard on For Sephora gig is probably created by very expensive amp. This is what I suspect. Anyway, I someone knows what gypsy gigging musicians use as a equipment please share. I don't there is a lot of equipment out there and it varies but anyway, I would like to start a discussion.


  • StevearenoSteveareno ✭✭✭
    Posts: 349
    I think you could cover it all for under 2 large. Haven't played out for quite a few years, but highly recommend keeping it LIGHT. Small amps that come with shoulder strap/ gig bag, like the Roland, AER and Phil Jones Cub are great. Consider a light guitar case or gig bag with shoulder strap. One trip from the car (often parked too far away in the dark and rain....make sure it's safe and secure) is a big help. Easy fast set up (often in crowded, noisy, low light conditions) is a big advantage. Electronic tuner you CAN SEE, spare strings,picks, batteries, big easy to read chord charts in a plastic binder, pen, note pad, gaffer tape, flash light, watch (be on time), sturdy music stand (those little clip on lights are cool), cell phone. The less fiddling around the better: the KISS principle: keep it simple stupid. Dress nice (don't look like a slob). Quickly figure out where to set up, where the bar (if drinks are covered, or you have to pay) and restroom are....and Bob's your uncle.
    Swang on,
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