
I happen to accidentally go to this site searching for some gypsy jazz gutiar advice
and this place really amazed me!
I learned many things I didn't know about.
But it turns out that there are many questions about
"Right Hand Picking Techniques."
...and unfortunately, I don't know much either.
Can anyone list some "Right Hand Picking Techniques" for me?
I can really use as many help I can get!
Thank you!
I highly recommend Michael's book 'Gypsy Picking' which is what this forum thread is about. There are a couple of examples you can download that have some exercises. You might get lucky and find one on sale here in the forums, or on ebay, but it's worth getting.
Now, if you can't find a teacher or some players to watch live, you can always surf the net, especially YouTube for some great vids of players. It's actually, how I fined tuned my approach to the style, and I was lucky enough to have one-on-one lesson with Ryan Hoffman from Pearl Django, who was in town on vacation. He cleared up a lot for me in that one lesson.
Among the useful vids, and sites, there is site timrobinsonguitar.com, a player/teacher from the UK who has a nice pdf of 'Minor Swing' arpeggios http://www.timrobinsonguitar.com/ to use as a picking exercise. Another nice player/teacher, playbacklapompe, posts YouTube vids that helped me too, playbacklapompe, take a look at his vids on his channel http://www.youtube.com/user/playbacklapompe.
But, I really think Michael's book is a good place to start. You can check out Denis Chang's DVDs, and his vids on YouTube, which are great examples.
Best of luck