I want to treat myself this year but I only have around 1,000 euro.
Ideally I want a decent D hole that I can use as my gigging guitar-my main instrument being a manouche moreno.
Do RF charles have anything around this price???
Let me know your experiences
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell
Other options are a Pattenote, some asian Gallatos, or if you get really lucky you might find something better used for that price.
Castelluccia makes a good guitar for a little over 1000 euros: Castelluccia
A good place to check for used instruments: Manoucheries classifieds I've seen lots of great instruments around there in the past going for the dough you have including Dupont MD100, Alves de Puga, Fontaine, Castellucia.
Good luck!!
http://www.guitare-village.com/occasion ... zz_313.php
http://www.guitare-village.com/occasion ... zz_310.php
These guitars have HUGE necks, so you' d better try them before buying. I'd go for the cheap one (laminated top I'm afraid, but I've tried some nice ones, though a bit quiet). I know there are people here who strongly feel for Patenottes, but I wouldn't spend 720 euro for a second hand one...
300 €..Bargain
Laminate top though..My old man always told me 'never play cards with a woman and only buy a solid top'
You can get a Gitane 320, with setup and a Bigtone for the money you have, not a bad deal if you ask me.
For handmade I'd go for either Pattenote, Dupont Nomade or Castelluccia, and as always try before you buy.
If you're not in a hurry keep checking the classifieds until a good used guitar comes around, I have occasionally seen used Duponts MD100s for 1000euro.
Let us know how it turns out.
Look out for my tent-The one with the sloppy pomp and the ulster flag