Mystery Pacific & Artillerie Lourde

ShawnShawn Boise, Idaho✭✭✭✭
edited April 2007 in Repertoire Posts: 296
Anyone have sheet music or tab for either, or hopefully both, of these two songs? I need the solo's for each of the songs. I already have the Django "Anthology" book that has the heads and outros, but does not include the solo's. I have heard of a fairly new book called "Complete Django: The Ultimate Django's Book"...if anyone has the book and can copy and send me the tunes I would appreciate it. Or, if anyone simply has the melody in standard notation or tab could you send me a copy?



  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,191
    [quote="Shawn"]if anyone has the book and can copy and send me the tunes I would appreciate it. [/quote]

    Sorry, Shawn....soliciting illegal copies of books is not cool. You can buy it here:

  • ShawnShawn Boise, Idaho✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 296
    Thanks for the responce, but can someone at least tell me if the book is worth the money? I mean, $50+ dollars is a little steep if the book doesn't even include the solo's or descent melody lines. I would be more than happy to buy the book, but I need some advise if it is worth it. If I am going to spend that kind of money I want to make sure it really is as "Complete" as the title suggests.
  • langleydjangolangleydjango Langley, WA USA✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 99
    If you are interested in playing the music of Django Reinhardt you must own this book. Period.

    It has every melody and evey chord for every song Django wrote. No solos, unless they're considered part of the tune. Nothing else even comes close.

    The solos are on Django's CDs. 8)

    Why Michael can even keep them in stock is a complete mystery to me. This book should be flying out the door.

    It is worth 2 or 3 times the price, easily.


  • ShawnShawn Boise, Idaho✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 296
    Thanks for the information. However, I can easily figure out the heads, general melody, etc. by myself or with the help of my "Anthology" book, so why would I need to purchase this book if it has no solo's? Thats like giving someone a "piece" of the musical puzzle, but excluding the best parts, which is also my only criticism of the Anthology book.

    So, if you own the book can you tell me if it includes the solo's for Artillerie Lourde and Mystery Pacific? I would consider buying it just for those solo's alone, but if the book does not have what I need then there is no need to waste $50.
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,191
    Hi Shawn,

    The Django Reinhardt Anthology was a good book for it's time (it's around 20 years old now.) It's useful to have on the shelf...however you have to keep in mind that the author (Mike Peters) is not a Django player. That is reflected in his transcriptions which get the basic essence of the tunes, but lack the authentic fingerings and chord changes that Django and other Gypsies use when playing these tunes. The Complete Django was written by two very knowledgeable French players ( MAX ROBIN and JEAN-PHILIPPE WATREMEZ). It's very authentic...if you're just going with the Mike Peters transcriptions you're missing a lot.

  • JackJack western Massachusetts✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,752
    Hi Shawn,

    I've got to agree with what's been said above...especially with Troy's comment about the solos being on the CDs. The books can help (and for the record I think the Complete Django book is worth every cent) but in the end if you want to learn the solos the only place to go is to the recordings.

    I'm not at home now, but I do own the book and I'll check to see if it has any solo material for those tunes...more tomorrow. I will say that for me it's worth it even without solos-to have a compendium of Django's tunes is reward enough-a lot of those are hard to find in any form...

  • BluesBop HarryBluesBop Harry Mexico city, MexicoVirtuoso
    Posts: 1,379
    I have the book and it doesn`t include the solos for those tunes, however it`s a really good book, well worth the money.
    As for the solos I agree with the other guys, you should figure them out by yourself. You`ll have the certainty that it`s right, work out your ears and it`s a lot of fun, also it gets less difficult the more solos you transcribe. You can use a computer with software like Transkribe to slow the music down, so the fast stuff its easier to hear.
    One more thing, It`s a little radical and just my opinion but I think that if I can`t figure out a Django solo by myself I don`t deserve to play it, but again that`s just me.
  • ShawnShawn Boise, Idaho✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 296
    Thanks for the help. I just got through transcribing Django's "Billets Doux" and "Charleston" by listening to the recordings. However, call me lazy, but I want to take the easy way out with these two tunes. Sure, I find transcribing rewarding and quite fun, but it can also be quite time consuming...time which I could be dedicating torward playing.

    Also, it really does not sound like I need this "Complete Django" book afterall. It sounds to me like what it contains are things I could just transcribe on my own. Also, I prefer the books to only be in standard notation and not tabs, because it is a good test for sight reading, and I get tempted to look at the tab.

    Thanks for the reccomendations, but I will save the money and just do it myself.
  • Posts: 4
    Shawn wrote:
    Anyone have sheet music or tab for either, or hopefully both, of these two songs? I need the solo's for each of the songs. I already have the Django "Anthology" book that has the heads and outros, but does not include the solo's. I have heard of a fairly new book called "Complete Django: The Ultimate Django's Book"...if anyone has the book and can copy and send me the tunes I would appreciate it. Or, if anyone simply has the melody in standard notation or tab could you send me a copy?

    Those 2 solos arent in the following but i can recommend 'the music of django reinhardt by stan ayeroff-its got 44 solos (no heads, just the solos) which includes
    shine/charleston/limehouse blues(five versions)melancholy baby(3versions)/japanese sandman(3 versions),etc, all with where you can get the tracks from and each solo broken down into approach notes, arps, scales, etc.
  • ShawnShawn Boise, Idaho✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 296
    Thanks arpeggio. I actually already have the Solo's book by Stan Ayeroff, however, most of the tunes in the book are one's that I already know or really don't care to learn. I did find the transcriptions for Charleston, Hot Lips, and Les Yeux Noirs quite helpful though.

    I really just need the solo's for Mystery Pacific and Artillerie Lourde...both of which do not seem to have ever been transcribed yet.
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