I used to bring my guitars to the great Allen Watsky, but sadly he moved to North Carolina (can't blame him!). He really understood the Selmers and how to get the most of them. I'm afraid if I bring it to a run-of-the-mill guitar guy he won't know what to do with it, and he'll lower the action, make the bridge holes too large, etc. Try to make it sound like a Martin, or something equally terrifying. Was wondering about Rodrigo Shopis in NYC, but I can't find any contact info for him. Is he still around? Thanks
Last I contacted him, it was:
[email protected]
I'll try it. Thanks!
When my Gaffiero fell off of the wall, it was a nasty mess. 3 braces broken, it pushed through the top. I thought it was the end of that guitar. I reached out to Stephane and he recommended this guy in the South Orange Area. He did a great job getting my guitar back together. I even went back to him a year later to get a refret.
[email protected]
+1 (973) 445-0015
Joseph Conrad called it the "fascination of the abomination." But knowing that it ended well, I'd be interested in seeing the before/after of that incident/repair!
Ok, you asked for it. My PTSD is rushing back just looking back on this. The guitar will forever have a scar, a long noticeable crack, but he did a great job just making the thing solid and playable again. It will be my beloved beater.
Don't think of it as a scar, it is life experience! Thanks for sharing, glad it is back up and playable for you.