Hi Everyone,
it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. But, I really thought this was worth sharing. I’ve really been listening to a lot more Eddie Lang recently and I found something that might be able to help shed light on some of his accompaniment with vocalists.
I have been digging into the song “Guilty” by Gus Khan and found a version by Ruth Etting with, I am almost positive, Lang on guitar.
However, the vocals are front and centre and it makes it quite difficult to hear the guitar.
Enter: a free AI tool to remove vocals. I found this site that kind of advertises itself as a tool to make your own Karaoke songs.
anyways, tried it and it really worked. I uploaded the song file, the vocals were gone. I could hear the guitar so much more clearly.
I have included the two files here. Hopefully they work. I haven’t tried it with any other songs but it could be useful
heres the link for the site:.
Wow. That is wonderful.
Could you “please” do Bing Crosby’s “Please” for us?
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
Here you go, Will
Thanks for the link. Gave it a go on a Django tune, and the result is attached. Undecided has some interesting stuff going on behind the vocal part.
I'm skeptical there's any AI involved here. I remember vocal isolation tools being around many years ago, well before the AI craze, and they worked pretty well at that time too. It probably simply plumbs into an ffmpeg filter or something on the backend.