Forum Update

MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
edited May 2019 in Welcome Posts: 6,191

Hi Everyone,

As you've probably noticed, the forum is looking a little funny right now 😀

I'm in the process of updating it (it was an epic pain the ass but we're almost there now.) I should have the old skin back up in a week or so. For now, we'll just run this default skin which will allow everyone to continue to use the forum while it's in flux.

Thanks for your patience!


ScoredogBonesJosechikyLeftyKevanMehran s


  • bopsterbopster St. Louis, MOProdigy Wide Sky PL-1, 1940? French mystery guitar, ‘37 L-4
    Posts: 513

    Looks great to me, Michael.

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    edited May 2019 Posts: 6,191

    One big change is the new Rich Editor which you'll now be using to submit posts. Editing and image/attachments are much easier now but may take some getting used to. Quotes now work a little differently. When you click the quote button it will embed the quoted message into your post, along with the author's name and avatar. It's quite slick, but doesn't allow you to choose precisely what you want to quote. Instead, the entire post (it will automatically abbreviate longer posts) is inserted. I, and I'd imagine everyone else here, probably agree that the ability to actually choose what is quoted would be better and that will be available in a later update. So sit tight for that.

  • oldfashionedoldfashioned New MD50B
    Posts: 4

    I have not been able to see products and add them to the cart since yesterday. Im using android. Could be on my end but thought you'd want to know.

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,191

    @oldfashioned Sorry about that. There has been a persistent database issue which caused the table with products to have an issue. They're back now so please look again.



  • Posts: 20

    Hi Michael,

    Will the new version dispense with the need to resize all photographs before they can be added to a post?



  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,191

    @DarrenKingUK I’ve never had to resize a photo. You should be able to attach any size image you’d like as long as it’s within the size limit (which is pretty big.)

  • Posts: 20

    Hi Michael,

    I do apologise, I have now tried posting some photos and I haven't had to resize the images at all.

    Kind regards


  • spatzospatzo Virtuoso
    Posts: 771


    Just couldn't find the way to put an image and to place a pdf at the end of the post...


  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    edited June 2019 Posts: 6,191

    There are two buttons at the bottom left of the text editor for that. One is a little picture that allows you to upload images. The other is a paper clip that is for attachments.

    You can also drag and drop items right into the text editor and it will add them.

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    edited July 2019 Posts: 6,191

    I just wanted to point out that the new rich editor embeds urls a little differently than before. If you just insert a url like this:

    It won't embed and will only display the link. But if you give the url its own line and enter a return after it, it will create a little embed "card" like FaceBook or Twitter:

    The same is true for YouTube links. In most cases I think readers would prefer the urls to be embedded so please follow this protocol.



    Mehran s
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