n the video of stochelo playing a solo piece from a django documentary on youtube (

) that first descending riff ive heard played by joscho stephan, fapy lafertin and bireli. Its beautiful and through the process of hearing it for years and learning it ive been very curious as to its origins. Is it a django concoction? If so from which song? Its kind of similar to the beginning of improv 2 but not quite the same. Just curious if anyone has more info on this one thanks a bunch
Other folks love the heck out of sequences. Its a matter of taste. Anyhow, this sort of sequential thinking as a hallmark of plenty of early 20th century classical music and as such would have been in the air in Europe in Djangos day and later, much as Chuck Berry licks are the stuff of legend in the USA.
Our man had big ears and was no stranger to Debussy or Stravinsky either. Many of the sequences that are used as a stylistic element in GJ first appeared in the classical literature .
The guitar lends it self easily to sequential thinking as its a bit of a repeating pattern gadget in many ways.
The real trick is to not pander to flash and really improvise. Its harder though, so most folks rely on patterns and formulas which though effective lack real melodic content.