Would like to buy a fair priced used Gitane DG-255 or other similar priced used petite bouche. Would consider a used Gitane DG-250.
A shop worn or scratch and dent new instrument also considered.
Normal play wear acceptable, but would like to avoid a cracked instrument. Please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:
[email protected]">
[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
The DG 250-M is loud and possibly too loud to pair with the DG-500.
I have purchased a DG-255 but will be recommending the DG-250M to my friends who might be interested in learning Gypsy Jazz.
The only problem has been how to lead friends to Gypsy Jazz. Some appear closed minded about a different style of playing or too psyched out by the agility of some of the known performers. I am trying to convince them, with the right learning material, the right instrument, the right pick and a little patience and practice they can sound good.
They do not need to be another Bireli Lagrene to sound good, just be true to the music.
I guess with all this additional information, this post now needs to be in another forum section.